[Elfsea] Re: [Steppes] Bordermarch Melees

ironwyrm at juno.com ironwyrm at juno.com
Tue Nov 4 14:13:22 PST 2003

FYI - House Arkham plans to field seven from household 
members for the event and one trebuchet, which we could 
use some extra siege hands with in order to free up the
warriors & archers of our unit for other duties.  Anyone 
wishing to volunteer to help work the siege engine e-mail 
us and we'll do what we can and try to help get you ready.

If you haven't seen the pictures of the new stone fortifications 
on that site go to http://bordermarch.tripod.com/melees.htm 
and check it out, very cool!


Commander of Arkham's Household Mercenaries

On Tue,  4 Nov 2003 12:03:02 -0600 "Llywelyn Gruffydd"
<Llywelyn at elfsea.net> writes:
> Bordermarch Melees, November 14 - 16, is one of the kingdom's oldest 
> and best war events.  Unfortunately, it is a long way from D/FW.  I 
> am organizing a carpool so we can get as many Steppes and Elfsea 
> fighters there as we can.  If you are interested in riding with us, 
> please email me at Llywelyn at Elfsea.net soon.  We will discuss plans 
> at the War practice on Sunday.
> Llywelyn
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