[Elfsea] idea for moot

CE Huse/Lady Maria ldy_maria at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 6 14:12:40 PDT 2003


Wish I could come, but alas, I must go chaperone a group of giggly young
maidens to the firehouse so that they learn how to extinguish their hearth
should it ever burneth over.       (I have a Girl Scout meeting)

  -----Original Message-----

  We are quickly, gaining on the holiday seasons.  This means a lot of
activities and a lot of parties.  One of the holidays that seems to be
commercially pressed by the way side is Halloween.  With that in mind, do we
want to do a Pot Luck at October Moot with a Halloween theme?  If yes, than
we can add to the fun by wearing our scariest or worst SCA outfits (what
ever they may be, and still be legal to wear in public, around children).
Food for thought (all puns intended).


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