[Elfsea] FW: [Steppes] In search of a juggler/jester

Lisa Duke arabella at elfsea.net
Mon Apr 26 21:29:04 PDT 2004

Forwarded from the steppes list from Their Majesties

In Faithful Service to Kingdom
Master Richard Fairbourne, Steward Ansteorran Argent Anniversary
Her Ladyship Arabella de Montacute, Co-steward

-----Original Message-----
From: steppes-bounces at ansteorra.org [mailto:steppes-bounces at ansteorra.org]On
Behalf Of PortoFun
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 9:25 PM
To: steppes at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Steppes] In search of a juggler/jester

Greetings Unto the Fine Folk of the Steppes,

We have been contacted by a woman outside of the SCA who is looking for a
juggler/jester for a private party. We have not been able to locate one yet.
If anyone is interested, (or knows someone who might be) please contact us
and we will put you in contact with the woman.

In Service,

Miguel and Conal
Rex et Regina
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