[Elfsea] Coming for a visit in October

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Mon Aug 23 13:21:42 PDT 2004

You will just barely miss my wedding at Elfsea Defender ;-(
Caelin on Andrede


From: elfsea-bounces+rjt=softwareinnovation.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces+rjt=softwareinnovation.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of Karie Mitchell
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 4:03 PM
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Elfsea] Coming for a visit in October

Greetings Elfsea,
Sorry not to have been active on the list, but I have been a faithful
lurker!! :)  Galen, the children & I will be in Elfsea from October 9th
until October 11th.  We are hoping to visit friends in the area before
heading further south for my sister's wedding.  I noticed that there is a
large rapier event in Bryn Gwlad that weekend, so I am sorry I am going to
miss the rapier fighters and their families.  But I hope we can catch up
with everyone else and see how this fine barony is doing.  Can't wait to
come visit.
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