[Elfsea] December Scroll?

Dale, Richard N DaleRN at aetna.com
Mon Dec 20 14:27:09 PST 2004

Stand by! Opinion is coming your way! ( Warning if you don't like my
opinion don't read the missive listed below)
I have seen a great many opinions about several subjects dealing with
the newsletter. To put it simply. The newsletter is late. BIG DEAL!.
Will life in Elfsea stop rotating? Will sands cease to pass through the
hourglass? Will this effect our daily lives? ( notice all written in
soap opera sarcasm) The  answer to these questions is no. People are
wondering about the scroll and the question has been ask and answered.
Officer reports not getting on time is something even the kingdom
chronicler has to deal with every month. These reports are the
responsibility of the officers and no one else. A simple suggestion
would be that if the officer can not get their report in on time, simple
put an add in the Elfsea scroll that shows the sign "gone eventing".
The Elfsea scroll should not be held for officers who have a month to
reply and then don't. 
Always remembers the officers are volunteers. If you have a question
always direct your question to that person. If the person does not
respond, try a getting a third party involved to increase the lines of
going back to lurking!
HE Master Richard Fairbourne

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