[Elfsea] update re crash space

kristid2001 at yahoo.com kristid2001 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 11 11:27:48 PST 2004

First of all, THANK YOU to those who offered crash space. This morning we were pleasantly surprised to have an old family friend drop by the hospital and give my Dad some money. He said he thought we would probably need it. It will be enough to pay for gas AND get us a hotel room for several days. I've always said that I am rich in friends, and all of this has just re-confirmed my beliefs.
I want to say thank you to all my friends who have passed on their love, support, thoughts and prayers for Mom and my family. She is actually much better today. Her blood pressure popped up to where it was supposed to be. I had been thinking of telling her that I was pregnant to see if that would make it rise...... 
Just continue to keep us in your thoughts. We will get thru this with a little help. 
Kristi Delk/ Cairistiona of Dragonsfire Tor

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