[Elfsea] Gulf Wars

Ameline Dubois ameline at generich.com
Fri Jan 23 13:44:51 PST 2004

Hello to all, Baroness Ameline here,
  Well my family is registered for Gulf War, is yours? Are you going? Will you be camping?

I would like to have a head count as to who is camping with elfsea.
I would also like to know what your *real* tent foot print is.
I have a 18 foot round tent but I need At least 20 foot round foot print with ropes and stakes
I will use all my space allotment in this one tent for 4 people so I will not have any kitchen or entrance area. 
Think these things over.I will have a sheet of paper at moot to write all of this down.
Feel free to post to the this list if you want 
This is just the beginning of this list if you are still looking for tent buddies fine, I'm just trying to get an idea about camp size.

Number of campers:

Names of campers:

Size of tent:

Size of extra pavilion:
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