[Elfsea] BURR

Spence Mabry smabry at flash.net
Sun Jan 4 08:23:17 PST 2004

Just checked the weather forecast and, while it was nice a somewhat warm
this morning at 7:00 a.m. (when I went out to get the paper, sit on the
patio, read the paper and smoke), after that quick downburst came through,
it is now 48 with a wind chill of 40.

And we know what it is like at Veteran's Park.

Like Don Valentyn, at a certain point, it becomes a bit chilly for me to

And since this would be unofficial, unless it warms up greatly (my lady
hates anything below 75 degrees and no wind), I am holding off committing
myself to fighter practice until around 1:30-ish.

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