[Elfsea] 2 Possible Demos

Spence Mabry smabry at flash.net
Thu Jan 22 08:19:06 PST 2004

Good Gentles,

We have the opportunity to do two demos at the beginning of March.  Yes, I
am aware that March is usually tied up with getting ready for, going to,
being at, and recuperating from GULF WARS.  However, I told the two people
who asked me that I would bring their requests before the group.

Here are the requests:

Friday, March 5 from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. -- Boy Scout Demo (local) for an
annual large pack meeting).  We would need possibly fighters and perhaps
some demonstrations.  That's all I have right now, because they just wanted
to know if we could this.

Wednesday, March 10 from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. -- a 3rd grade class of 16 is
having a Medieval festival and would like some of us (at least 2 people) to
come out to demonstrate fighting and any other aspects of Medieval life.
(This is the post I sent yesterday)

Think about this.  I will ask for a response at Moot on Monday.  If you are
interested and can't be there, e-mail me.  I would like to be able to tell
these people something by Tuesday, if possible.

As always, 
In Service to the Dream, To Ansteorra, and To Elfsea
Lord Ceatta o Gulcleth
Demo Coordinator, Barony of Elfsea

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