[Elfsea] Your Thoughts?

Tom Parr seamusofelfsea at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 09:43:50 PDT 2004

In Response to My Baroness:

 Elfsea is the name of the Baronial land we live in. Many castles or keeps had a different name, do we wish to name our castle?
My first thought is Elfsea Keep... But in Historical times it would have been named after the Baron... and Castle Dragonettei sounds good

 What kind of castle motte and bailey, stone keep, or concentric castle?
In my mind I see a stone castle full of banners of the heraldry of all of elfsea

 Is the a tavern in the keep or outside?
This is elfsea.... Taverns abound both in and out with mead beer and good bards

 Are there shops in or outside the keep?
Shops are both In and out with goods from the known world sold there

 Is the hall big?
The hall is large enough to hold all of elfsea at once....

 Is there a large number of solders garrisoned in the castle?
Yes as well as the Baronial militia which are in most cases better skilled then the soldiers
 Is there a large stable?
Medium sized
 How many towers does it have?

 Are they round or square?
 Does it have a moat?

 How do you see the grounds of elfsea? 
 Is there a great sea near the castle?
Yes very close by 
Is there a ghost in the castle?
Many... all of the past barons and all those who have resided here before us.....
Thats what I think,
Lord Seamus

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