[Elfsea] Fighter Practice Time Change

Betsy Marshall betsy at softwareinnovation.com
Sun Jun 27 05:50:55 PDT 2004

Well, judging from the rain this am- will it be dry enough by 2?
-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces+betsy=softwareinnovation.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces+betsy=softwareinnovation.com at ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of Tara Derington
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 6:16 PM
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Fighter Practice Time Change
Greetings!  The July Scroll is printed and will be passed out at Moot.
Any Scrolls not given on Monday will be mailed on Tuesday.
Official Fighter Practice is cancelled on both July 4th and July 11th.
That means that our first fighter practice at 5:00 PM will be on July
- Sabine

<-----Original Message----->

From: Armand Dragonetti
Sent: 6/26/2004 12:45:24 PM
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org
Cc: loch-ruadh at ansteorra.org;dragonsfire-tor at ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Fighter Practice Time Change 
Fighter practice this Sunday (June 27) will begin at 2 pm, as previously
published in the Elfsea scroll. 
Beginning in July, practice time will change to 5pm. 
This will be reflected in the July scroll. The scroll is our definitive
source and the July issue is going to print soon. Recent talks with
several currently active fighters revealed a desire to change the
practice time from what had previously been agreed upon. Therefore I
asked our knight marshal to announce this change, but I didn't stress
the effective date for the change. My apologies for the confusion.
Lord Elfsea
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Estella Flather <mailto:eflather at flash.net>  
To: Stefen and Rhonda Hays <mailto:housedragonstar at earthlink.net>  ;
Barony of <mailto:elfsea at ansteorra.org>  Elfsea 
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 4:59 PM
Subject: RE: [Elfsea] Fighter Practice Time Change
When will the change to 5 take place? This Sunday, June 27th? 
-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces+eflather=flash.net at ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces+eflather=flash.net at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of
Stefen and Rhonda Hays
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 1:36 PM
To: Barony of Elfsea
Subject: [Elfsea] Fighter Practice Time Change
Greetings Elfsea, after many discussions with His Excellency Armand we
have decided to move the time of fighter practice to our traditional
(after Warlord) 5pm. To any and all who still wish to come out at 2pm.
let me know, if we have enough interested I will make arrangements to
meet you out there.
In service
Dáire de Haya
Elfsea Knight Marshal


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