[Elfsea] GW Camping

Sharon Pelfrey sharon at garnetpromotions.com
Thu Mar 4 19:06:58 PST 2004

I have a foggy memory of something about a 10ft rule on Tiki torches.  Will there be enough space between tents to maintain that 10ft safety zone.  Random thoughts.

Cassandra Palfrey
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Stefen and Rhonda Hays 
  To: Barony of Elfsea 
  Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:50 PM
  Subject: [Elfsea] GW Camping

  Thanks to much hard work on Honour's part (remember she collected all this info from us in the first place), I now have the list of our pre-registered campers and your tent sizes.

  Now, some of you have talked about some meal sharing.  Since there is no big kitchen area, we can have a few smaller ones.

  To that end, if some of you would like to camp adjacent to each other to share a small kitchen area, then please let me know.

  If you would just like to camp next to a person because you are really good friends, then please let me know.  If you want to camp on the other side of camp from someone because you are really good friends and want to stay that way during the trip, let me know.

  I will do the best that I can to make that happen.

  My game plan is to take some cut outs of the tent sizes, take some poster board, plot out where the trees are and start trying to get it all to fit.  We can certainly make adjustments as needed and changes as long as it does not mean moving a really big tent.

  Please note that it is now a full moon outside.  In two weeks it wil not be.  If you have tiki torches, please bring them!  We will need some light in camp.

  I am home this weekend, for the most part.  Daire and I leave about 2pm Friday next.

  Please send emails to medbliath at earthlink.net.

  See you at WAR!!!!!

  Medb Liath


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