[Elfsea] Mini Tournement Sunday March 21st at Veterans Park

Spence Mabry smabry at flash.net
Sat Mar 13 08:54:03 PST 2004

Since there does not appear to be rain that weekend, I will be there
with my copy of wavier forms for people to sign (unless Darius has
OBTW, Darius, talk sweet to my lady and she might help as list mistress.

-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org [mailto:elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org]
On Behalf Of Wilkerson, Glen D
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:24 AM
To: 'Barony of Elfsea'
Subject: RE: [Elfsea] Mini Tournement Sunday March 21st at Veterans Park

Speaking as a former rapier marshal of Steppes, we always collectred
waivers or checked cards for things like this - our old "Nose Thumbing
Tourneys" for example.  A bunch of people just showing up and fighting
at a cancelled practice is an unofficial event.  But if we actually ran
a list we followed protrocols.

-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org [mailto:elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org]
On Behalf Of Vicki Marsh
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:03 AM
To: Barony of Elfsea
Subject: RE: [Elfsea] Mini Tournement Sunday March 21st at Veterans Park

Fighter Practice is considered an official event as it is on our
calendar, so we have to have waivers for official fighter practices.  At
least, that's what I understand to be the rule.

-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of Spence Mabry
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:30 AM
To: 'Barony of Elfsea'
Subject: RE: [Elfsea] Mini Tournement Sunday March 21st at Veterans Park

Since this was not on the Official Elfsea Calendar, it is not an
official event, and as we found out in December, waivers do not have to
be collected at un-official events.

-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org [mailto:elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org]
On Behalf Of Don and Monica
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 6:36 PM
To: Barony of Elfsea
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Mini Tournement Sunday March 21st at Veterans Park

I will be marshal in charge and collect waivers I am authorized as a
field marshal in both heavy and rapier and authorizing in rapier. I will
however need an inspecting marshal to assist on the heavy field.
I am also accepting volunteers for list mistress/master

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sharon Pelfrey <mailto:Sharon at garnetpromotions.com>  
To: Barony of Elfsea <mailto:elfsea at ansteorra.org>  
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Mini Tournement Sunday March 21st at Veterans Park

Who is the marshal in charge and who will be responsible for collecting
Cassandra Palfrey
Seneschal of Elfsea

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