[Elfsea] Fall Court Recap

ylwrose2 at juno.com ylwrose2 at juno.com
Mon Oct 11 11:36:29 PDT 2004

Good Gentles, I must once again thank all of you who contributed so
deliciously to Fall Court’s success.  We had ample food and drink to
serve twice as many people as showed up, and we had around 35 show up! 
The hot food and hot apple cider warmed many a cold, damp member who
trekked through rain and mud to participate.  
I must express a special thank you to a number of people: HL Francesca
for her admirable organization and interface with the Celtic Heritage
Festival personnel, Ld Bre’nain for his organization of a very impressive
demo which attracted many viewers to our rather remote location, Ldy
Gerita for her superb assistance in getting the food organized and set
up, Ldy Donal for her contribution of her personal gear to offer those
who forgot feast gear the opportunity to eat, HL Corwyn for his
assistance at the grill and for helping load my vehicle at the end of the
event, His Excellency Mahdi for his excellent prowess on the field (and
for his two intrepid fellow fighters who allowed him to beat up on
them!), and Their Excellencies Mahdi and Valeria for their leadership and
inspiration to have FUN at Fall Court.  You all made my job of organizing
the food very easy, and that made for a fun and filling time for us all! 
As always, my special thanks go to Mistress Kalida and Sir Thoreld
(Thorkel) who, besides helping me load everything in my car in the rain
at the event, are my constant inspiration in everything I do within the
My thanks to all,
Yours in Service to the Steppes and Ansteorra,
Honorable el-Sayyidda Saqra al-Kudsi
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