[Elfsea] Re: [Bards] Wormy's surgery

Darius of the Bells masterdarius at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 23 19:29:03 PDT 2004

Our hopes and prayres go with Wurmy into the OR. At Elfsea Defender this weekend I will have available large sheets of paper for any one who wishes to write notes of support or simply sign their name and let Wurmy know we care. These will likley be up in the hall come so by and write a verse for the ailing Wurm. (Her exellency of Elfsea is also rummored to be bringing lipstick so kisses could be sent in their proper form) 

(please forward as you see fit)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Beth Wolff 
  To: wolfstar at yahoogroups.com ; Apprentice list ; Bards list 
  Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 8:40 PM
  Subject: [Bards] Wormy's surgery

  To all,

  I spoke with Wormy this evening and I have pretty much all the information now. It's very serious. 
  The bacteria Wormy has in his blood is Streptococcus bovine. How he got that no one seems to be able to figure out, but it has wreaked some serious damage. They did pull the cracked tooth that may have been the culprit, but it took an oral surgeon to get it all out. 
  Wormy will be under going surgery tomorrow morning. The surgeon said that they don't ususally do surgery on Friday, but in his case they will. Not only are they going to replace the damaged heart valve, but the bacteria has deteriorated part of the aorta, and they will be performing an aortic graft as well. Since they have to order a synthetic graft, they would have to have known about the aortic deterioration for a few days now. 

  I have been able to get ahold of his family and let them know, but, they live in Wisconsin and Illinois respectively, and will probably not be able to come here. Anyone who can come see him after the surgery should. He will need all the support he can get, then and during his recovery. I will be glad to give information to anyone who needs it.........that is if I have left anything out.

  Send all your thoughts, prayers, wishes, healing energy, or whatever you think will work........we'll take all of it we can get. 

  Hoping and praying,

  Make a joyful noise unto your Kingdom! 


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  Bards at ansteorra.org
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