[Elfsea] New heraldic page for Elfsea

Richard Dale fairbourne at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 21 19:05:17 PDT 2005

I recently brought this up at the last business meeting and got the ok from the baron and the seneschal to move forward with this idea.
Do you have a  passed device? Well I would like to adda link to the elfsea website that shows off the passed Heraldry of the members of this great barony. This addition to the website would not inly help with concrete examples of style, color, rules it would also you to show off you heraldry to anyone who has access to the web. I think this is a great opportunity for all of use and our great barony. So if you interested in having you device on the elfsea website here are the things I will need.

   I will need you to send my via the email a scanned image of your passed device (This way there are no mistakes) Please no high res images if at all possible due to space considerations. Contact me if you have a question.
   I will also need the passed emblazon of your device to go along with the device.
   I will need your sca name to go along with your device
   I will also need a permission form from you to have all hte above information on the website.

I look forward to hearing from you Elfsea.

In service I remain,

Master Richard Fairbourne

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