[Elfsea] Caravan of Cuisine- Coming soon to an Elfsea Defender near YOU

LadyPendarvis ladypendarvis at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 20 09:03:39 PDT 2005

Greetings to the Populace of the Barony of Elfsea, and the esteemed Canton Of Dragonsfire Tor!
This year at Elfsea's Defender, there is something new. Instead of a Feast, their Excellencies wish to promote a "Caravan of Cuisine".
What IS a Caravan of Cuisine, you ask?

It is an opportunity for groups, households, individuals to feed the populace. While being similar to a "pot luck" it is these groups who are opening their camps to 30-50 individuals to come and visit and dine with the groups. If you, as a group, household, or individuals, are interested, here is what we are looking for:

-feed between 30-50 people
-food can be your choice, but it must be some type of entree. I have one household who has offered to cook Stir Fry.
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