[Elfsea] Mock Court, Real Food

Richard Dale fairbourne at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 21 18:45:38 PDT 2005

Just A reminder that Mock Court real food will be taking place at Daniel and Siobhans this Saturday starting at 1:00pm. Come and share the fun with your Elfsea family at Mock Court, Real Food. Contact Giliana or myself if you have any questions.


Date:                8/27/2005 Saturday

Hours:              1-6


T-tunic to Court Garb               1:00

Learn how to take the simple T-tunic to court garb in only a few steps. Great for newcomers and others!


Mock Court                             2:00

We will hold a mock court for newcomers to learn how to approach Their Excellencies/Majesties in court; how to ask permission to speak in court; in general how to act in court. We need old timers to be present to give examples of what is to be done. If you would like to teach/donate your expertise to this Mock Court please email me or Richard as soon as possible.


Mead Tasting                           3:00

Bring your home-made Mead, Wine, Beer and give a few minute explanation on your process. Everyone can have a taste, learn something and hopefully expand this art throughout the community. 


Elfsea Family Picture                 4:00

During the day you can have your picture taken in your best court garb with family or friends. Then at 4:00 we will be having a family picture taken of everyone in their finest. This will be done once a year so people can see our family grow and change over the years. Great for advertisements!


Device Coloring                        All Day

If you submitted your device to Master Richard at Dinner and a Device come out and help it make it to the next step in the submissions process by coloring your device. Each Device needs 6 colored copies (in crayon) in order to be submitted. So bring some crayons and stay within the lines!



Bring your favorite dish that will feed between 6-8 people for our “Real Food” portion of this event. This is the perfect time to try out that period recipe you have been dying to make. However, if you don’t want to bring a period dish than bring your favorite holiday or picnic dish. We will be eating and snacking all day.



After all the classes are finished we will be cooling off in the pool, so bring you suits!

Children are welcome but please make sure that you watch them while in the pool. Don’t rely on someone else to make sure they are ok, water is dangerous. If you are unwilling to supervise your children then a Baby sitter might be the best idea.


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