[Elfsea] Scrolls and stuff

pcrandal at sbcglobal.net pcrandal at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 4 20:52:46 PST 2005

For your AOL wording please get with Duck Raimond. 
  raimonddemora at hotmail.com
  He wrote the originals, and though I could muddle through he knows better than I the required phrasing. 
  There has not been one recently. 
  Crandall, Olde Foole, No-Count, Gosling, AOL 

Tessa Nieto <eleanor_cleavely at yahoo.com> wrote:
  Greetings Your Lordship!

I am looking for the person in charge of award
scrolls. I am wanting to get our Portcullis Scrolls
replaced, if possible. I wouldn't mind having a copy
of the scroll used to paint or, barring that, being
given the wording so that I can design our own and get
them signed by Their Excellencies Galen & Allesandra
myself. Thankfully, the receipt date is easy to
remember as we both received them on our wedding day.

They and the AOL (Award of Legs) scrolls are the only
two we need to replace. Are AOLs still given out? 

"In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should 
afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, 
contentedly, even happily wrong." 
-John Kenneth Galbraith 
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