[Elfsea] Yule Revel

dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Mon Dec 12 08:43:23 PST 2005

Did we mention how much we enjoyed Yule Revel?
We *really* had a good time. Although we did miss the "herring and eggnog"
party Friday evening, (shudder), we were told it was ...... er,
entertaining. Eoghan, Polydore, eggnog & herring & ??? ......(closed eyed
Maybe next year .......... Nay.
The hall was decorated wonderfully, the food was fabulous, and visiting with
friends in a relaxed setting was delightful. Several people helped to make
the event quite a success. And to the autocrats, Lady Rhaonnana and Lord
Eoghan and all of their staff: Well done and *Vivat!*
Also, Master Darius did a superb job with the raffle, raising quite a sum.
The Artisan competition was fierce. I mean, fierce. In the end it was Lady
Aurelia who emerged as the new Arts & Science Champion for Dragonsfire Tor.
Congratulations to all the participants, you made the judges job most
difficult. At evening court, we continued our practice of extending various
rights to members of the populace who's efforts have enriched us all during
the past year. The crown also recognized the following individuals:
Lord Charles (von) Mayer - Award of Arms
Lady Delores of Elfsea - Award of Arms
Lady Giliana Launceleyn - Award of Arms
Lord Jock McKinnon - Award of Arms
Lady Tereysa di Sorrano - Award of Arms
Lady Hanna von Dahl - Sable Thistle (Weaving)
Lady Aislyn of Glenwryd Fen - Azure Keystone of Elfsea
Lady Jocelyn de Viverais - Azure Keystone of Elfsea
Thank you all for a wonderful start to the Yule season. Be safe and have fun
through the holidays and we look forward to sharing with you in a prosperous
New Year!
In the service of Their Majesties, we remain,
Armand & Ameline
Lord & Lady Dragonsfire Tor
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