[Elfsea] Feast Crossbow & Table Top Siege Competition!

David L. Cox coxdl at verizon.net
Wed Dec 28 10:06:52 PST 2005

Greetings This Fine Day!


This is a great idea, and most welcome at the event. I would only ask that
the range be fully picked up post competition so that no slips, or falls on
the thrown food items, safety being important to all Marshall's and
Autocrats. Beyond this, may the best gentle win! I look forward to seeing
all of you at the event in 9 days.


In Service To The Dream,

David be Leon, Autocrat <counting down, slowly>


-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces+coxdl=verizon.net at ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces+coxdl=verizon.net at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:26 AM
To: steppes at ansteorra.org
Cc: glaslyn at ansteorra.org; lindenwood at ansteorra.org; Archery within the
Kingdom of Ansteorra; elfsea at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Elfsea] Feast Crossbow & Table Top Siege Competition!


Greetings all!  Just a quick reminder House Arkham plans 

to sponser what is becoming an annual activity during our 

Steppes' 12th Night celebration, the "Feast Crossbow & 

Table Top Seige Competition"!


This is a contest which appeals to the child within each 

of us at all ages and if you have yet to attend this most 

entertaining contest you have really missed one of the 

little gems of Steppes' 12th Night!  So please plan to 

come an join us for this extremely fun and delightful 



The contest is currently planed to start following the 

"Royal Huntsman Tournament" as soon as the mini 

target range can be set up.  Sign up shall begin at the 

close of the "Royal Hunysman Tournament" as soon 

as our "List Babe" volunteers deem sign up is open.




The competition is open to small hand held or table top 

devises constructed for the purpose of hurling small bits 

of food stuffs (marshmallows, grapes, cheese cubes, 

veggies, etc.) which can met the following conditions:  


1) All devises must be declaired one of two categories:!   

"Hand held" - those meant to be fired while held in the 

hand (so called "baby", "feast", or "mini" crossbows).  

Or "Table top" - those meant to be fired while sitting on 

a flat surface (so called "baby, "feast", or "mini"  

trebuchet, ballisita, or catapult)!


2) All feast devises must fit within a sixteen inch feast 

platter (circle) to enter!


3) All string & prod powered feast devises (crossbows 

and some ballisita) may not exceed a draw of eight 



4) All devises must be capable of firing grapes as ammo.

All ammo (grapes only) will be supplied b! y the contest 

sponsers.  No other projectiles will be allowed!


5) All contestants must demonstrate to the attending 

marshals that their "feast devise" is safe, in good working 

order, and they can operate it in a safe & sane manner! 


6) All contestants must compete in the competition 

using one "feast weapon" only!




- All contestants must lesson for their names to be 

called, absent contestants will be rotated to the end of 

the list once and only once!  Should a contestant be 

declaired absent a second time when the! ir name is 

called they will be stricken from the competitors list!


- All contestants shall be allowed to pick twelve grapes, 

six for ranging & practice shots, and six for scoring 

shots.  Any grapes which fly to pieces upon firing do 

count as shots, so pick your grape shot well!


- The competitor with the highest recorded score at the 

completion of the list shall be declaired the winner of the 




We're looking forward to having a very good time and a 

lot of laughs during this year's contest!  Please take 

note, plastic sheeting or a good wa! shable cloak might 

be advisable!




HL William Black Dragon (called "Ironwyrm")  

Supervising "Feast Weapons" Marshal  


PS:  Almost forgot, (shameless plug coming) should 

you wish to compete but not have time to make your 

own baby crossbow, Iron Angel Forge still makes and 

sells the prefered style for $20 (cheaper than I could 

make it myself).  You can check out their web site at:

http://www.ironangel.com/feastcrossbows.html .  

Shipping runs about five dollars so you're looking at 

a! bout $25 total, they do not accept credit cards so if 

interested you will have to send a check or money 

order but there should still be time before this year's 

contest.  Good luck!



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