[Elfsea] Rapier Armour Shirt Class

Genna gennac at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 11:22:09 PST 2005

Hello All!

Next Saturday, the 17th at 11 a.m. I'll be holding a class for all those
interested in learning how to make an armour shirt that is rapier legal. It
will be a simple, tunic-style pattern so even if you are new to sewing, you
can still manage it fairly easily.

Please bring some sort of tracing paper for copying patterns. Kraft paper,
butcher paper, seamstress tracing paper and even solid colored junk fabric
will all work for this. Make sure you have large enough pieces as the sleeve
pattern pieces are pretty wide.

It will also help to have the measurements of the person(s) for whom you are
making the shirt(s).

Class will be in my home in Bedford. Please RSVP to gennac at gmail.com for

See you all at practice!
Elfsea Rapier Marshal
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