[Elfsea] (no subject)

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Sat Dec 17 12:39:37 PST 2005

> The problems at the time were three fold, and not insurmountable:
> 1) Protection of officer information which cannot be posted on the web 
>  (when last I checked) in the same detail in which it can be printed
The basic information is on the web now for all officers. I would suggest we 
publish what they want, but at least what is in the Officers section of the Elfsea site.

> 2) There was a problem with charging people for something which you also 
>  give away for free.  I believe this was against policy at the time 
>  but if it was Chronicler, VScribe, Exchequer or Seneschal policy 
>  I could not tell you at this point.  
That is why I want to make it free.

> 3) It was considerable unpopular with segments of the populace.
I think that is less a problem as more of the population have internet access, 
but I would also make print copies available for free to those who needed them 
and for the required reporting of the Chronicler's office.

> I did implement the idea of email instead of US mailing delivery as an option but had to charge the same amount for it.  I'm certain many of the above may not matter any longer so feel free to ignore those which don't make sense at this point :) 
I certainly preferred getting my copy in a pdf file in the email.

> Timothy of Glastinbury
> Once Chronicler of Elfsea
> Lurker of the List
In service,
Caelin on Andrede
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