[Elfsea] Wow Highland Games

Ameline ameline at generich.com
Sun Jun 5 21:02:32 PDT 2005

We had so much fun! Daniel and Siobhan let their tent be used for the arts tent, where archery, spinning, sewing, weaving, and teaching in all these arts occurred. Thanks to all who worked so hard. Stella, Karrick, Aislynn, Robin, Anna, Hanna, Ker Megan, Irena, Donnel, Alexandra, Martino, Crandall, Alaric, Duchess Willow, and Siobhan <of Steppes>.
 We were well watered and protected from the elements by many also. Calin, Medb, Elisabeth, Eithne, Elspeth, Kathy, and Whitney.
 The fighting was entertaining with Duke Johnathan, Richard, John, Daire, Arias, Louie, Aelgernon<of the Tor>, Fearghus, for heavy. For light: Anthony, and Gerard. Humorus vocal heraldry supplied by Seamus, Raimond and Richard.
Congradulations to Tereysa and Gerard for getting us all together to put a good face on for the public. There were many new commers that we hope will find Gilianna who worked the crowds too.
The breakdown and shed loading was SO QUICK!!!! thanks to you all that helped there, many of whom have been listed above as well as Jocelyn, and Dainel of Cameron. For all the work, and people at the games, I am sure I am forgetting someone or something, please take no offense to this. If I have over looked someone please let us all know by telling us all of their efforts.
 Armand and Ameline
 Lord and Lady Elfsea
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