[Elfsea] wanting to join list group

Hall, Richard W. SGT TXARNG Richard.Hall at tx.ngb.army.mil
Tue Mar 22 12:56:15 PST 2005

Dear List Master,


I have tried to join your group several times but you have never let me
join. May I ask why?  I have tried as early as DEC 2003 due to the fact that
for the last 2 years My group and myself have camped with Elfsea at GW and
it has gotten very old having to have everything forwarded by someone to and
from the list to find out what is going on. Heck I play more with Elfsea
than I do my own Barony and would like to know what fun stuff is going on. I
the email I have been using for this is arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com
<mailto:arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com>  I am trying one more time at this time
and would either like to be let on the list or have an explanation as to why



Herr Arkell vom Cophus, MC

Kingdom Chirurgeon 

Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra

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