[Elfsea] Re: Blogging

Stacy E. Dickey stacy.dickey at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 10 14:25:38 PDT 2005

> What is the appeal of Blogs?

No idea.... but they are in a trend at the time being. I think perhaps it's the modern way of having multiple pen pals(?!?).

> Do people who have Blogs think that no one will read them and put their own spin on things?

People do that regardless, whether it's a comment in a blog, email, hearsay, eavesdropping, or out of their own imagination. Not even walking on eggshells can prevent gossip... so why walk on eggshells and let others rule what you do/don't do in daily life? Just go about life (and blogs) in a way you think is right. It's all anyone can do, really.

> What do you do if someone takes your blog out of context?

Keep my posting intact, unedited, with the original time and date stamp. If it's a big deal, then I may confront those involved for clarity. Otherwise, pay no heed to the gossip.

> How do you let someone know if something on a blog hurts you?

Leave a comment or preferably contact that author privately. There's usually a link to their email address available in the profiles section, permitting you to do so. I've had only one person utilize this, but it was entirely disappointment in my essay skills in a single posting and never "you hurt me".

> Personally I would much rather talk to people on the phone or in person or write my private thoughts in a diary than something that can be accessed by anyone with a internet connection.

My lifestyle is quite active and often has me posting at 3am. Is that what time I should call my friends or show up for a chat over coffee? And I'd rather my fellow bloggers don't call me with their 3am improv haiku, please. Additionally, what I have to say in person privately is a very different conversation from what I say publicly in my blog. I think that's also the case for many bloggers out there.

> Do you think that Officers, nobles, peers etc should be held to higher standard on a blog? If so why?

No, unless they are using the blog as a tool to cause harm *and* make strong claims as a member of the SCA. (For this reason and some personal preferences expressed on my blog, I removed it from SCA related blogrings).

> If problems arise from a blog comment what do you think is the best way to correct that situation?

Talk to those involved face to face in the same room, in person. Communicate openly, fairly, honestly, and calmly. And this isn't advice just for bloggers, but anyone in conflict with others. It deletes opportunity for lies, misunderstandings, and gives each person the chance to deal with the issue at hand. 

    My blog started off as a fighting journal for training as a squire, it eventually became an outlet where I can mutter thoughts or post things that entertain my friends/readers. Do I post things to hurt anyone? I certainly don't mean to. Do I buff-over statements? Sometimes. But there's alot in my life that's no one's business, so I don't post that information. On the other side of the coin, I won't sugar-coat things that have a strong effect either. I'm well-aware that many people in my barony, kingdom, other kingdoms, other countries, and even some non-SCA folks read it. It's my personal space on the web, and if anyone's interested they're welcome to read it as well. If you don't like what you see, then there are billions of more blogs out there that may appeal to you more. It's that simple.

    Blogs have been around alot longer than most realize. The trend is recent, but I've watched people's comments rip and shred the author for years. Even more recently, someone dear to me was just located via her blog by a former stalker. That's why it's important to keep the private matters private and educate yourself on the "block reader" features. Especially, utilize the filters for private or protected postings. And never post your exact location, full name, etc. Just always keep in mind how public the forum is, what you say, and you're fine.

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