[Elfsea] Anyone going to this?

Ameline ameline at generich.com
Thu May 19 11:02:25 PDT 2005

Alaric,please reply to me.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wilkerson, Glen D 
  To: Barony of Elfsea 
  Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:26 AM
  Subject: RE: [Elfsea] Anyone going to this?

  I thought that might be the case.  She sent it to the Elfsea list something like a couple of months ago and never followed up.  Pity, it seems like the perfect thing for us - not as a formal group demo, but for individuals to participate in like panels at a convention.  I do hope she tries it again sometime...


  From: elfsea-bounces+glen.d.wilkerson=lmco.com at ansteorra.org [mailto:elfsea-bounces+glen.d.wilkerson=lmco.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Valentyn Drake
  Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 6:34 PM
  To: 'Barony of Elfsea'
  Subject: RE: [Elfsea] Anyone going to this?

  I just saw a reminder come through on the NTSFW list about it yesterday, along with an agenda.  They didn't have anything for the SCA listed on it, and when I asked one of my friends there about it, he said he wasn't sure if anyone from the SCA was attending...





  From: elfsea-bounces+donvalentyn=jeffturnerfiction.com at ansteorra.org [mailto:elfsea-bounces+donvalentyn=jeffturnerfiction.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Wilkerson, Glen D
  Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 4:40 PM
  To: Barony of Elfsea
  Subject: [Elfsea] Anyone going to this?


  Just wondering if anyone was going out and participating in this.




  Hi folks,


  I'm the President of the DFW Writers' Workshop and co-founder of the North Texas Speculative Fiction Writers (NTSFW), which doesn't mean a hill of beans to  yall, but just so ya know where I'm coming from :)  (I'm also a member of the SCA.) I'm not sure how exactly to go about making this request, so I'll just put it out there.


  We are having a "Fantasy / History Day" at a member's ranch in Cleburne on May 21 (Sat).  I would like to ask anyone willing and knowledgeable (willing is the operative word I think :) to conduct demos or classes on various historical topics.  We will have classes/demos during the day with bar b que lunch/dinner there and a campout that evening around a bonfire with storytelling.


  Topics that have been discussed are flint making, dance, equestrian, and others I can't remember off the top of my head.  


  We would love to have some demos on fighting techniques, rapier and/or heavier, armor, archery, dress, quisine, etc.  


  If you would be interested in conducting a class or demo, please contact me for more info.


  Thank you for letting me post this.


  Alley Hauldren

  DFW Writers' Workshop


  DFWW_Workshop at comcast.net



  ntsfw.workshop at gmail.com



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