[Elfsea] Dinner and a Device

Richard Dale fairbourne at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 16 18:38:39 PDT 2005

You have heard about it and now it is a reality. On Saturday June 18th at Caelins(see the eflsea calendar for directions use the link for the middle eastern dance night)  Dinner and a Device will take place starting at 12:00 pm. The purpose of Dinner and a Device is too have as many qualified  herlads as possible help the populace in getting through the paperwork and redtape in submitting a name, device, badge, household name, etc. This will be the populace's oppurtunity to get help with all this herladic stuff and your event time will not suffer one bit. This will be held in mudane clothes and open to everyone that has a heraldic need or just wants to learn more about heraldy. I know many of you have talked to me about the need to register a name and a device etc. I am a new herald and I do not want you to suffer from my inexperience. Hence Dinner and a Device. The Elfsea Cooks guild has decided to help in this event by cooking for us. I personally will be providing alot of
 chocolate. So email me your name, device, badge household idea so I can start getting the paperwork started for you. So please come to dinner and a device.
So come one come all and get your heraldry done and have some fun with some new friends and learn some new things.
your humble baronial herald
Richard Fairbourne

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