[Elfsea] Warlord

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Tue May 17 20:13:27 PDT 2005

Where are you expecting to block off this space?


From: elfsea-bounces+rjt=softwareinnovation.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces+rjt=softwareinnovation.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of foofurjlr at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 10:05 PM
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Elfsea] Warlord

Hello All!
Warlord is coming upon us before we know it and our Barony is going to have
a blast helping Steppes celebrate their biggest event of the year. After
discussing with our Baroness, I found out that we will be setting up the
baronial pavillion and all are welcome to sit under it and visit with thier
excellencies and others in our fine Barony. We have also decided to have a
potluck lunch on Saturday at noon.  For anyone who would like to partake in
this informal lunch, please bring something that will feed about 6 people.
In order to make sure that we have a good selection here is a number of
options. If you would like to bring one of these please email me and I will
put you on the list.
Meat (e.g. cold fried chicken, lunch meat, or other cold meat)
Fruit (e.g. watermelon, fruit salad)
Veggies (e.g. cole slaw, veggie platter, salad)
Bread (e.g. rolls, italian bread)
Sweets (e.g. cookies, brownies)
Paper Plates (for 50)
Plastic Ware (for 50)
Please make sure that you bring everything in a disposable container for
easy clean up.
We also wanted to put out there that we would like to have an elfsea
encampment. If you would like to camp in the elfsea encampment please
contact me so I can make arrangements for the necessary space. We will have
someone on site early on Friday in order to block off a large enough area.
If you camp with us and would like to partake in planned meals for Breakfast
on Sat/Sun and Dinner on Fri/Sat please let me know so we can make the
necessary financial arrangements. Or if you would like to be in charge of a
specific meal that can also be arranged.
So one and all lets have a blast this Warlord by coming together and having
a great time. If you have any questions please let me know.
In Service of the Barony of Elfsea
Giliana Launceleyn - Hospitaler
foofurjlr at aol.com

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