[Elfsea] For anyone not on the archery list - Re: [Ansteorra-archery] An offer to anyone who dares take it.

David Ruff davidsbox01 at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 09:22:40 PDT 2005

Ment for this to goto the two baronies and the archery list. Offer stands to anyone interested in bow or crossbow - beginner to advanced.

-----Original Message----- 
From: David Ruff 
Sent: May 23, 2005 8:37 AM 
To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra 
Subject: [Ansteorra-archery] An offer to anyone who dares take it. 

I offer my services, my work shop, my blueprints, my knowledge, my time and all my contacts for the supplies to build a crossbow, a longbow, a recurve, a stonebow, a bulletbow or a repeating crossbow. If you want to go run of the mill to high end A&S show piece - we can do that. If you need doc's to support anything on any of the listed weapons, i offer that as well. 
I will even help you get started and help you from start to finish. Knowledge is free. The only thing i ask in return is if we use my shop to help off set dulling blades and maybe a cold soda every now and then - at that, i will perform backflips and beg on command. 
So to anyone in the area - or outside the area - i offer this, full shop and the knowledge of how to do it with a guiding hand ---- take it, leave it, love it or hate it. The light will be on for ya. At the very minimum this gives an out to those that believe that they can't have what others do and compete. Now the playing field is even and the ball resides in your court.
I am located in denton and have a range to test and tune in my back yard to 60 yards.
Ulrich Of Carolingia


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