[Elfsea] Telecom work?

Stacy E. Dickey stacy.dickey at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 8 09:17:10 PDT 2005

I've been unexpectedly unemployed for about a month now, haven't had much luck in the job hunt, and now it will be even harder to find work with hurricane evacuees also searching for the same. My trade is a bit specialized though, so there's a little hope. But feeding two kids isn't cheap, custody cases don't come free, my car needs repairs, and the savings account is depleting fast. Plus, in order to maintain 3-bedroom rent (which in-turn is mandatory for maintaining my standing in custody), I must make no less than $23/hour. So I'm approaching the verge of desperate.

I specialize in Nortel DMS switches, but they're all similar enough to cross-train on the job... and RF field work would be easy enough to learn. But being a single parent, I need to work as close to home as possible (north Fort Worth)... so Dallas-side is a last resort.

If anyone hears of any switch tech/engineer positions, please drop me a line with the info please? I'd be most thankful.


stacy.dickey at sbcglobal.net
(out of town Sept 9th until Sept 11th at the soonest)
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