[Elfsea] Demo at Dragonsfire Tor Fri 8/25 at 6pm

Dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Mon Aug 21 12:28:16 PDT 2006

My understanding is that Dragnsfire Tor's Rapier Marshal, Angus de Ruthven,
will be their with his gear lacking only an opponent at the moment.
Baron Armand

Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:59 PM
To: Barony of Elfsea
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Demo at Dragonsfire Tor Fri 8/25 at 6pm

This week is one of my every-other-Fridays off, so I should actually make
it.  Any other rapier fighters attending please respond and I would be
pleased to bump heads with you, otherwise I'll just go marshal the heavies.
Don Alaric   

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