[Elfsea] Merryn's new food, wine list, and recipe sharing group

Randall Mars rosmerryn at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 3 11:28:27 PST 2006

 Greetings Gentles All,
  In response to those who so kindly asked for the recipes for the goodies I brought to our January moot and to Queen's I created a yahoo group e list dedicated to recipe sharing, commentaries, questions, and the results of our efforts.
   I suppose I think of it perhaps becoming the Elfsea Foodies Corner??   
  The files for the Venetian grape cake, the Glaston carrot thingee, and the Boleyn praline molasses cakes are already available for download.

  Group name:  delagroute
Group home page:    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/delagroute
Group email:    delagroute at yahoogroups.com  
  Vita, si uti scias, longa est.
  Rosmerryn Carew de Couercelles

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