[Elfsea] Inman speech at Steppes 12th Night

pcrandal at sbcglobal.net pcrandal at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 8 11:40:14 PST 2006

Hello Elfsea, 
  Those of you too new to remember the inspiring speeches that Duke Inman used to do have been playing far too short a time. 
  Last night at the Steppes 12th Night, Duke Inman announced that he was willing to come out of retirement and attend Gulf War to "show us how it is done". 
  While he admitted that his rally cry was not up to the snuf of the Late Sir Ricardo, many in this Kingdom have never heard anything at that level before. 
  I think he even inspired "King Henry" to make the attempt to join with us. 
  Those who need additional ease of registering, I know that the web site is up and on line will happen. And if sending checks, mine was sent in November and cashed just before Christmas. 
I will be there working for Crown and Kingdom, and I hope to see many friends by my side. 
  This Kingdom is known for our hard work and generosity, and we were asked to pool our resources so that those who have been affected by the current rise in the cost of living seek out those who may have space in vehicles, so that those who are able to take the time to be at the war are. Plus traveling together can be fun, as was shown by the great dual mooning I received one year from the other vehicle in our little caravan. Thanks, Ladies. 
  Crandall, Olde Foole 

"In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should 
afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, 
contentedly, even happily wrong." 
-John Kenneth Galbraith 
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