[Elfsea] Drudgery and Churls - redux

Crandall crandalltwo-scalists at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 4 15:47:23 PST 2006

Ah, the fun we gonna have????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, my fellow Drudges and Churls, we gonna get to clean up the hall after the Coronation!!!! And as I am old and weak, I am gonna need help. We are fortunate that Coronation is to be at Canton as they do a magnificent job of taking care of the chairs and tables for us. 
  That leaves the messes that get spilled, and the door areas as our primary concern. And the Lost and Found items. At least one Lady will be selected to do the simple but necessary task of making sure that the little kids (our future) do not destroy the Ladies Room. So that means I only (officially) need only one Lady to volunteer. Now I recall how in the military volunteers were selected. The ones who generally ran slower, or were too big to be able to hide in the back. I cannot make Moot due to my work schedule, but I will be at a coordinator meeting or two, in the future. Otherwise, you may contact me through e-mail as to what you feel you can do to help. 
  Crandall, Olde Foole 
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