[Elfsea] Fw: Coronation and thanks yous (long)

E.G. Head eghead at uga.edu
Tue Jul 18 06:17:55 PDT 2006

Please Pardon the Bandwidth, Good Folk of Elfsea; I was unable to send this to Sir Tomas personally.

    Ever in Service,  Sir AEdward of Glastonburh, called the Saxon, Founding Baron Bryn Madoc, and Friend to the Mystery Burgundian
----- Original Message ----- 
From: E.G. Head 
To: tomas at timelessbeads.com 
Cc: Edward Head jr 
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:41 AM
Subject: Fw: [Elfsea] Coronation and thanks yous (long)

Good Sir Tomas,

    I rejoice in your elevation, and regret that I was not able to be present for it, and for your vigil, where I would have told you what I tell you here (and what you doubtless already know):

    Knighthood is not what you do, it is who you are.  Every day, people will be looking to you for an example of the best way to live a life, and your challenge is to be worthy of the trust bound up in that.  The accolade is but the beginning of a journey, and the belt and chain are but reminders of the path that remains to  be walked.  I do not know Duncan, but am sure that he is a worthy exemplar if he had the wisdom to accept you as associate, friend, and Peer.

    Be well, Sir Tomas, and also those of your house.  I drink your health, and pray you remember me to your Good Wife, Rixende.  You and yours continue in my thoughts and prayers, and against that day when we may cross swords and clasp as friends, I am, and hope to remain,

                Ever in Service,      AEdward of Glastonburh, called the Saxon
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