[Elfsea] Help for Dutchess willow and family - silent auction

David Ruff davidsbox01 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 14 22:20:39 PDT 2006

Greetings unto Steppes and Elfsea
  I do not hope this email is inappropriate, but i would like to offer help. 
  I know we have a lot of excellent archers in these parts and i would like to offer the following. 100% of the money will goto Dutchess Willow and family in aid to rebuild. 
  I am offering a custom made crossbow much like this one 
  This is a oak stock with walnut, ivory and horn inlay. The prod will be a custom made aluminum OR fiberglass made in our shop. The bow itself is not built, however this is due too me wanting the auction winner to have a say in the looks of the bow. This bow can be setup to 120lbs and as low as 50lbs (depending on the prod)
  The bow will have some hippo ivory, gemsbok horn, buffalo horn and copper/silver rails added to it in the design of the auction winner. The bow will be built and ready for the new owner within 20 days of the auction closing. ALL (100%) money raised will goto Dutchess Willow and family. 
  Dutchess willow, i know we have not talked about this and i would be honored to give you money, but i am afraid i have little to give. So this was the next best option to help a friend and great advice giver the help you so richly deserve. 
  Lets start the auction at 50.00 and lets run this until 07/02/06. This will give all some time and not bump into bills and such.
  ALL auction bids will be silent - any questions and bids should goto uccrossbows at yahoo.com
  I will post the winner of the bow and the log of the bids to dutchess willow and to anyone that wishes the information at the close. 
  This IS not being sponsered in anyway by anyone in the SCA and is merely being help for the benifit of a friend in need and by me and me only. IF anyone feels it should goto other lists please feel free to cross post it. If i need to get yelled at as i crossed a line - feel free to yell at me at davidsbox01 at yahoo.com and i will list it on ebay and do the same thing with the selling price money :)
  David Ruff
  Ulrich V. Carolingia
"willowjonbardc at juno.com" <willowjonbardc at juno.com> wrote:

Many of you have asked how you
can help. We have no home insurance
and I'm not working right now due
my health. We could use a little
help in raising the money needed
to rebuild the kitchen. We don't
know how much it will cost at this time.

If you would like to donate a small
amount, say $5 or $10, we have a PayPal
debit account. Our account # is my
e-mail address: delaufyson at juno.com
PayPal's address is paypal.com.

When we get ready to rebuild the kitchen,
we'll let everyone know. 

Thanks very much for everyone's help.

Duke Jonathan

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