[Elfsea] Trans Siberian Orchestra group seats

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Tue Oct 10 13:54:40 PDT 2006

>From the AA Center group sales:
 " I would be glad to help you with your order.  I do not have information
about what the group discount will be at this time, but I can go ahead and
hold 20-30 tickets for your group when they go on sale.  As soon as I get
more information, I will let you know.  The regular ticket prices are $49.50
and $35.50.  Do you know which seats you would be interested in?  The $49.50
seats will be the floor, 100 & 200 level sides - the $35.50 is 100 level end
(sections 110-115). "
For seating charts go to
We were in the  116 area last time. I have 21 people who have expressed
interest so far.
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