[Elfsea] Elfsea A&S Night - Oct. 17- Reminde

Judie Willey littledragon0861 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 12:11:14 PDT 2006

I am hoping to make it...depends on what time i get out of work...

On 10/17/06, Deana Covel <dmcovel79 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Last Reminder,  A&S is Tonight!
> At 7:30.
> Learn how to decorate tassels to give them an extra
> "Wow!" factor.
> Lady Aeryn will have a few tassels pre-made for people
> who did not attend the first Tassel making class, but
> want to attend this one.
> This month it will be at Master Caelin and Pyro's
> house.
> Location:
> 2220 Patterson Place
> Arlington, TX 76012
> (817) 265-6943
> Thank you,
> Lady Hanna von Dahl
> Elfse MoAS
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Rebbe Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi
MoC Barony of Steppes
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