[Elfsea] Repost about party wear

Ceatta o Gulcleth ceatta at flash.net
Sat Oct 28 06:27:50 PDT 2006

Then again, Olde Phule, there are those of us who must needs not atend because we are out harrying the mundanes of the deary existence and thus fleecing them of their hard-earned and little valued gold.
  Anyway, I'd probably dress as that most scariest entity around, "a computer geek"!
   aliquantulus ferment nunquam vulnero quisquam 
  (a little ferment never hurt anyone)

pcrandal at sbcglobal.net wrote:
Greeting Phooles, from your Puppet King.     Questioned whether this is in garb, or what, I  figure that if you are coming to a Halloween  party then please recognize that there will be  young and old present so dress not to offend.     Wearing clothes appropriate to the season, for  the time and place you wish to re-create. That  would be good.     So I expect to see Witches and their respective  Burners, Heroes and their Victims, Minions of  every ilk. Possible Barons and Peers. The thought  terrifies me, but they will be welcome. We always  can use a few new blood supplies.     If the weather girl says that it will be damp,  please consider putting a pop up or other cover  type thing in your vehicle for our use.     Remember, the idea is to have fun. Those not  wishing to have fun, please stay away. Thus we  shall separate the fun people from the rest. A  not very Phoolish thing I realize, but there it  is.     Crandall, Olde Phoole     

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afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, 
contentedly, even happily wrong." 
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