foofurjlr at aim.com foofurjlr at aim.com
Mon Oct 23 08:21:14 PDT 2006

I want to give a hearty thank you to all who attended the demo this weekend. It was a huge success with almost 400 people attending from noon to five. I have a long list of people who helped out but I forgot it at home and wanted to get this thank you out this morning. I will post a list of names later.
I want to point out that the demo was a success due to the combined efforts of Steppes and Elfsea. The rapier community of Steppes came out and did a great job in helping Elfsea put on a great show. Thanks be to my husband for losing his voice heralding and giving a running commentary on the fights.
The A&S was a super success also with displays and demo's keeping visitors attentions. 
There were many people who attended who could have easily backed out. One was very sick (yet drove the hour to the event), one had a family member undergoing a medical procedure, and yet another was in the process of moving. I want to thank them and everyone else for putting in a long day's work.
The demo allowed us to get nearly 20 names, addresses and phone numbers to contact. I consider that a success.
Thank you again. 
In Service of the Barony of Elfsea
Giliana Launceleyn
foofurjlr at aim.com
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