[Elfsea] Upcomming Demos

Darr Sarah ladyadelaide at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 7 13:37:21 PDT 2007

  I contacted Ben with the Lazy Dragon Con.  He said to coordinate with you for Elfsea's prescence at said Demo.  What can I do to help?
  Barony of Elfsea Hospitaler

Faelan Caimbeul <faelancaimbeul at gmail.com> wrote:
  Greetings to the people of the Two Baronies!

Warlord is almost upon us, but that is not what inspires me to scribe these words. We have two convention demonstrations coming up, A-Kon ( http://www.a-kon.com/) the weekend after Warlord, and Lazy Dragon Con (http://www.lazydragon.com/con/) the weekend of August 3-5th. Volunteers are needed to fight, talk to the crowd, work our table and donate items for display. Come, and help strengthen our Baronies by inviting new people to join our populace. 

A-Kon details are still in the works, but it looks like we're going to be able to fight in a very public venue. One of our own people is a high ranking member of the con staff so I am expecting that we will have premium space and time available. 

Lazy Dragon Con promises to be a wonderful event! The owners are both familiar with the SCA, and one is a Scadian. They have most generously donated a sword as a prize for a tournament ( http://www.lazydragon.com/con/sca_combat.htm) that weekend. We are also planning Blood of Heroes games, both heavy and rapier. We will also have a party Saturday night, and others are encouraged to sponsor party rooms of their own. 

Anyone who can help with these most noble indevors, please contact me and let me know what you can do and when. 

Yours in service,

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