[Elfsea] Elfsea Digest, Vol 16, Issue 45

Vicki Marsh vmarsh at twmarsh.net
Tue Aug 28 18:56:12 PDT 2007

Darn that Xene and Llywelyn!!! They should have given one to Galen...and to
Airiklee.....they just didn't act fast enough before they stepped down!!
Oh, pooh!
But we did see your service to the whole Kingdom and how great it was. Think
I might have mentioned it to a few people, here and there.
Sure do miss you and that cute little Italian lady you married:) Say hi to
Allesandre and your tribe.

-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Paul Mitchell
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 8:12 PM
To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Elfsea Digest, Vol 16, Issue 45

Xene wrote:

Off the top of my head, I want to say that they were given to Mistress
Reginlief, Mistress Stella, Master Airiklee, Sir Galen, HL Raimond, Don
Llywelyn and myself. The award is not closed, as far as I know. 

I know I'm far away, and inactive, and aging, and my memory really honestly
is fading, but I don't remember receiving this award.  And I don't think I'd
forget this one, as it has the very coolest regalia of any award I've heard

But I'm quite honored to be thought of in this connection.

- Galen

It was created to be like a Lion of Ansteorra, but for those of the Barony
of Elfsea who have served greatly and create the dream through their
research, dress, and actions. This was done during the reign of Llywelyn and

Xene (yup, that's me). We already had the badge of the blue chalice with two
gold wavies on it and it wasn't being used by a tavern or guild at the time,
so.....we used it. And, in keeping with the Arthurian theme based on our 
founding Baron, Sir Arthur of the Fenn and HE Robin, we decided that the
Azure Grail of Elfsea was appropriate. That's also where we got the idea for
the Arthurian Company, the elite fighting unit that was sworn in at Highland

Games and released from service at SpringFaire.

We should have a copy of the scroll text put on-line somewhere - in the
history part. I seem to remember Darius helping us draft the text at some

The grail chalices themselves are made and donated to the barony by Mistress

Off the top of my head, I want to say that they were given to Mistress
Reginlief, Mistress Stella, Master Airiklee, Sir Galen, HL Raimond, Don 
Llywelyn and myself. The award is not closed, as far as I know.

Are there any others?

In Service,


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