[Elfsea] New website

Darius masterdarius at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 29 03:33:00 PDT 2007

I think that only the Landeds who have been entrusted with this barony oer the years can answer that question. I would hazzard an answer / opinion that they did not find a formal award was needed. 

I know for the past few years I have been proud to serve on the guard . though most of my service to the gaurd has been at oot due to other duties at an event. it is something I am proud to do for my home and for my B&B. Likewise all those who have served on the Aurturian company are to this day proud to say how many times they wore the Blue and Gold Tabard. Sometimes that pride and recognition is better than an award to hang up on the wall. 

I remember as a new and upcoming artisan I was thrilled to have my B&B ask me to make a specific item or a gift for a spefic person. Their trust in me and my skills to create something to represent them and the barony truely menat more than any medalion they could have hung around my neck. 

This type of recognition may well be needed in the future, and as it is needed I am sure our future leaders will listen to that need and address it.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Klfrench1023 at aol.com 
  To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [Elfsea] New website

  Thank you for your reply.  I am aware that there are Kingdom awards for Shires, but this doesn't entirely answer my question.  It seems that these awards are largely given only for service.  If there is a structure in place to give a Barony the power to recognize those contributions which are outside the realm of service, whether it be on a Baronial or Canton level, then why are they not utilized?  Service is indeed something worthy of recognition and praise, but the martial and artistic communities contribute just as much in their own venues to our enjoyment of the game.  I am just of the firm belief that we need to encourage growth and participation in all sectors, not merely in one.  

  M. Caterina

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