[Elfsea] lammas event

Knitnick knitnick at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 18:26:27 PDT 2007

Hi everyone,
I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make the lammas day
event a great one. I came out and brought my 9yo son, who had a wonderful
time playing all the period board games (despite asking to go home every
couple hours...the lure of the new wii was just too strong). we both enjoyed
the bread tasting and meeting new (to us) folks. Special thanks to Rosalia
for "making" me enter the living arts contest, I enjoyed it! and special
thanks also to Master Caelin (not sure i'm spelling that correctly) for the
very informative answer to what I thought was a short question! (what's this
about Protege's?) Now I have a very good grounding in the background and
some of the general practices that are required to understand what I
actually asked....(big grins!)
Special thanks to Duchess Willow/Papillon for putting together the bread
tasting event and to Lady Xene for bringing such a bounty from Panera, all
the breads were wonderful, homemade or otherwise.

Thanks also to everyone who showed up to play and those who worked so hard
to put this event together, and I know I'm far from including everyone...I
know there was a ton of work that went on before/during and after that we
didn't see. we had a great time and can't wait until the next event!
thanks to everyone!
Jorunn Huldasdottir and Ottar Ioreksson

Joy and Patrick Wandrey

PS, Iorek was jealous that we got to go play and he had to work!

You are no less and no more than the sum of what you believe. Use your mind
to create the best of all worlds. JLW05
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