[Elfsea] (no subject)

Julie Self julie_self at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 10 18:59:46 PST 2007

Greetings and Salutations Goode Gentles!
This posting is the criteria for passing of the Kragenworth Keep cloak, to be held on January 4th, 2008.  I am sorry for the late posting, but things here have been unbelievably tumultuous!
Here are the criteria: (some personal content has been deleted, but these are Bree's words)
   I gave my reasoning for each of the criteria, so maybe it will make more sense why I chose them the way I did.  
1.  Perform something which hasn't been performed by you in any Bardic competition within the last 6 months.
  * Encourages doing something new.
2.  Theme it along the lines of "News". 
   * Bards were welcome throughout the year, but more so during the long cold months, particularly as the winter wore on and boredom and cabin fever set in.  News was most welcome at this time of the year.  So, tell of a recent war and the chivalry found on the field, or of a new fashion in court, of scandalous gossip (but not of people we really know <wink>...!), challenge us with period (or period-style) riddles, demonstrate a new dance, play an instrument which we haven't heard before or a new way to play on your favorite.  I hope I've given the idea.  
3.  Each piece should have some physical element to it.
    *  Movement is important in keeping everyone's attention: move about the fire ring while you grace us with your playing and your voice, making eye contact and interacting with us.  If, in your story, the bear is pulling something down from the tree, show us that.  If the dancers at court were graceful, let's see that, too.  If your Entertainment IS dance - let me have a front row seat!!  Historically, Bardic was not confined to Story, Song, and Poetry.  The Troupes performed Comedia D'el Arte with plays, riddles, slapstick, mime, acrobatics and political: satire, intrigue, news.   Movement was, in great part, vital to their success and subsequent reward of Largesse.  
So, while I really hadn't anticipated going on and on about this, I'd like to encourage everyone to challenge themselves just a bit: find something new, find something "newsy", and work some movement into the piece.  If everyone starts now (because Dec 20/Yule IS right around the corner!), then I think that we could have a very interesting Bardic!
I'm working in my jewelry shop and expect to have a few token silver pieces to give to your household as Largesse to those whom you'd like to acknowledge that have shown exceptional skill, persistance, and/or improvement (or any other quality you choose), in addition to the passing of the Staff and Cloak to the newest Kragenworth Keep Bard.
Nothing like a little bribery to get people motivated ;-)
Honored to be current Holder of the Staff and Cloak,
In Service to the Dream, (with regrets about tardiness)
Ly. Gwenllian Hertewelle 
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