[Elfsea] Party mass amounts of food

Darius masterdarius at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 13 13:12:26 PST 2007

There shall be mass amounts of wonderfull food here Please come save us form these culinary delights!!


Well, since there is a lack of things to do this weekend, now, we would like 
to open up our house around 1:00 tomorrow afternoon till whenever for 
crafts, sewing, visiting, and partying to celebrate Rosalia's birthday.

Food will be provided by Marrin. Please bring appropriate libations or 
beverages. We will have tea, hot tea, and coffee available. There may be a 
possiblity for Birthday Cake as well.

If you have any questions, you know where to find me.
Darius of the Bells

Address: 809 N Bowen Rd, Arlington, TX 76012 Ph: 817-459-3553 

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