[Elfsea] Scribe's meeting

Estella Flather eflather at flash.net
Fri Jan 5 09:53:12 PST 2007

Greetings from Mistress Stella-
	Elfsea's Scribal Guild will meet January 8th, Monday night, at Their
Excellencies Armand and Ameline's home, at 7 P.M. Their address is 1000
Choke Cherry Lane, Crowley, TX 76036. 
	Oh my gosh! It's already the new year! Coronation is next week! We
will need lots of scrolls for the incoming Crown! Please come out and help.
Newcomers are always welcome.
	As for last year- Thanks to everyone who painted scrolls for the
Kingdom and Barony during the past year. We were able to turn in many fine
award scrolls. Thanks also to Lady Aingeal and Lord Caerell who hosted a
joint meeting of Loch Ruadh and Elfsea Scribes in December. We had the joy
of viewing a DVD rendering of the Book of Kells that gave us very detailed
pictures of that famous book.
	In service, HE Stella
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