[Elfsea] And now for something Completely different . . .

Rosalia di Bellavita mistressrosalia at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 1 19:50:14 PDT 2007

There are many positives that I can report, Your Excelency!  

At fighter practice today we hosted over 20 people.  Yes the weather was a bit frightful earlier, but we all perservered and had lots and lots of fun.  We had 2 families of newcommers that returned this weekend because they had so much fun last weekend.  We had another family of 5 that are now newcomers and will be going full force in a matter of weeks in our barony.  Many of us took the time to visit with them and took their contact information so that we all could stay in touch.  

Elfsea is growing and it is very exciting to see new faces, week after week.  What an exciting time!

In service,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dragonetti 
  To: 'Barony of Elfsea' 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 8:02 PM
  Subject: [Elfsea] And now for something Completely different . . .

  Greetings Elfsea,

  First, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who worked to make today's fighter practice a more inclusive event this weekend. While the weather and distance (and being at mundane work until 4 am the night before) kept me away, I cannot speak to it's success, but I greatly appreciate the effort that others put in to give it a good chance. I also wanted to say Thank You to those who suffered the poor weather last Wednesday night to attend fighter practice at my warehouse. And a bit overdue Thank You to His Majesty, Lord Archibald and Lord Cuen Longtooth for helping me with the Martial Arts Survival Camp 10 days ago out in Azle. I have been delighted by the great enthusiasm from the Miscreants regarding the Lamas Day Tribute which will likely be one of our last opportunities to preside as Baron and Baroness of Elfsea. 

  Part of my love of things "medieval" and appreciation of the SCA are the occasional opportunities to escape the trappings and tedium of the modern world. Recently, however, I have observed many criticisms and frustrations and it reminds me of our modern world media which generally focuses on negative stories. When only negative gets reported and the positive things, small courtesies, helping hands, enthusiastic new comers, etc, go unreported it is easy to imagine they are missing. Is this true? Can anyone offer up a positive experience in recent memory? I would love to hear of something positive, large or small, regarding Elfsea, that you would care to share.

  Anxiously awaiting a multitude of responses....

  HE Armand Dragonetti
  Lord Elfsea


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