[Elfsea] We now have Five candidates for B&B and our Polling Forms are now available

djvarble djvarble at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 22 18:36:52 PDT 2007



I have two announcements.


First, our Barony and Canton now has five candidates who which to be
considered for Elfsea Landed Nobility.  They are:


> Richard de DeLaufyson and Willow de Wisp 


> Darius of the Bells and Rosalia di Bellavita 


> Caelin on Andrede and KerMegan of Taransay 


> Fearghus MacKenna and Ascelyn of Glentewrde 


> Dáire de Haya and Druinne de Salesberie


Their Letters of Intent are now available.  


Second, our Polling Form is also now available. 


Both of these items can be found on the front page our website at:




In service, 

Daniel of Cameron

Virtual Scribe, Elfsea


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